Tableau Logical Functions Why do we use logical calculations? Logical calculations allow you to determine if a certain condition is true or false (boolean logic). For example, you might want to quickly see if sales for each country you distribute your merchandise to were above or below a certain threshold. Function Syntax Description IN <expr1> IN <expr2> Returns TRUE if any value in <expr1> matches any value in <expr2>. The values in <expr1> can be a Set, list of literal values, or a combined field. Examples: SUM([Cost]) IN (1000, 15, 200) [SET] IN [COMBINED FIELD] AND IF <expr1> AND <expr2> THEN <then> END Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions. Example: IF (ATTR([Market]) = "Africa" AND SUM([Sales]) > [Emerging Threshold] )THEN "Well Performing" CASE CASE <expression> WHEN <value1> THEN <return1> WHEN <value2> THEN <return2> ... ELSE <default return> END Pe