Tableau Extract Update Error "Timeout Error: IPC_NamedPipe::Select(WaitForMultipleObjects)
When trying to update the Data Source or when attempting to connect to a data source, or create and/or refresh extracts with Tableau Desktop, the following error message occurs:
IPC_NamedPipe::Select(WaitForMultipleObjects): Timeout.
Anti-virus software is blocking Tableau processes from running, or the Logs folder contained corrupted information.
To help make sure these exclusions are set for full coverage and take effect: Check the C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Logs folder to see if a "hyperd.log" file was created. If the file is not present, this indicates the anti-virus software may be blocking the startup of the hyper process, which is specific to Tableau Desktop 10.5 and higher.
Option 1:
If it is easy work with IT helpdesk/support to add below Tableau folders and processes to exclusions:
- Tableau.exe
- hyperd.exe
- hyperdstarter.exe
- *.hyper extension (if AntiVirus has an option for extension exclusions)
- C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Tableau Repository
- C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\TableauTemp
- C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Tableau
- C:\Program Files\Tableau
- Make sure that child folders are included in the exclusions. AntiVirus programs may have different options to do this unique to the program, such as using wildcards in the path (*), or an explicit option to add child folders.
To help make sure these exclusions are set for full coverage and take effect:
- Include the above paths and programs in exclusions for all scan settings, and if the AntiVirus has a list specifically for "Trusted Programs", add the .exe files there.
- Reboot the affected machine.
Option 2: This is an easier one but you need to do it every time you close the workbook.
- Close Tableau Desktop.
- Navigate to your My Tableau Repository and rename the Logs folder to Logs_Backup.
- Re-open Tableau Desktop.
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