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Showing posts from October, 2019

Set a Date Filter Default to Max Date in Tableau

Set a Date Filter Default to Max Date in Tableau Some of us might have not noticed the setting a   filter to default to the Max date. There is a quick and simple option to achieve this in Tableau filters. Follow the steps below: 1. Create a date filter with the date dimension. 3. Drag the date dimension to filters pane. 4. Edit the date filter to Select from the list and select the max date available. 2.    Now, y ou have the option  'Filter to latest date value when workbook is opened', check this box and click on OK.

Select Max of Date in Tableau Filter selections

Select Max of Date in Tableau Filter selections Option 1 (Tableau Desktop 10.3 and newer versions) Use the  Latest Date Preset  feature. Unlike the additional options listed below, this option will allow for the use of the filters card to select additional dates. Option 2 Select  Analysis  >  Create Calculated Field . In the Calculated Field dialog box that opens, enter a name for the field. In the formula field, create a calculated field similar to the following: [Order Date] = {FIXED : MAX([Order Date])} Drag the newly created calculated field from the Measures pane to the  Filter  shelf. In the Filter dialog box that opens, select  True ,   and then click  OK .   Option 3 (if LOD calculations are not possible): Select  Analysis  >  Create Calculated Field . In the Calculated Field dialog box that opens, enter a name for the field. In the formula field, create a calculate...

Tableau Unable to Sign In {"result":{"guestEnabled":false

Tableau Unable to Sign In through portal Sign in failed. For help, contact your Tableau Server administrator. {"result":{"guest Enabled":false,"embedded VizForSite Saml Supported":true This happens as the portal from which Tableau is being called as open in new web page. Instead use the tableau report/dashboard in an iFrame, which should take care of the issue. When you embed Tableau Server views into web pages, everyone who visits the page must be a licensed user on Tableau Server. When users visit the page they are prompted to sign in to Tableau Server before they can see the view. If you already have a way of authenticating users on the webpage or within your web application, you can avoid this prompt and save your users from having to sign in twice by setting up trusted authentication. Trusted authentication simply means that you have set up a trusted relationship between Tableau Server and one or more web servers. When Tableau Server...

Revoke a Databricks Token

Revoke a Databricks token This section describes how to revoke personal access tokens using the Databricks UI. You can also generate and revoke access tokens using the   Token API . Click the user profile icon     in the upper right corner of your Databricks workspace. Click   User Settings . Go to the   Access Tokens   tab. Click   x   for the token you want to revoke. On the Revoke Token dialog, click the   Revoke Token   button.

Generate Databricks Token

Generate a token in databricks This section describes how to generate a personal access token in the Databricks UI. You can also generate and revoke tokens using the   Token API . Click the user profile icon     in the upper right corner of your Databricks workspace. Click   User Settings . Go to the   Access Tokens   tab. Click the   Generate New Token   button. Optionally enter a description (comment) and expiration period. Click the   Generate   button. Copy the generated token and store in a secure location.

Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function

Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function Issue When creating a calculation, one of the following errors might occur:    "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function." (Option 1,2,3 or 4 can be used). " All fields must be aggregate or constant when using table calculation functions or fields from multiple data sources." (Option 1 or 3 can be used). "Argument to sum (an aggregate function) is already an aggregation, and cannot be further aggregated ."  (Option 2, 3 or 4 can be used). Environment Tableau Desktop Resolution Each option can result in different values (please reference the attached workbook in the right-hand pane and additional information section for specific examples). Option 1 (Aggregate All Fields) Wrap all fields in an aggregation. Sample: [Profit] / SUM ([Sales]) -> SUM ([Profit]) / SUM ([Sales])   Option 2 ( De-aggregate All Fields) Remove aggregations from all of ...

Manually sort filter values in Tableau

Manually sort filter values in Tableau Follow the steps below to manually sort filter values in Tableau: From the Data pane (where the Dimensions and Measures are displayed) right-click the field that you want to format, and then select  Default Properties  >  Sort . Select  Manual , adjust the sort order, and then click  OK .

Automating PDF Exports with Filters Using Tabcmd

Automating PDF Exports with Filters Using Tabcmd Using tabcmd to automate PDF exports with multiple filters. Steps below should help to do this: Use tabcmd in conjunction with URL filter parameters. For example, the following URL with filter parameters: http://servername/views/workbook/sheet?param1=value1,value2&param2=value Could be used in tabcmd as follows: tabcmd export "workbook/sheet?param1=value1,value2&param2=value" --pdf -f "C:\Tableau_Workbooks\Weekly-Reports.pdf" Or: tabcmd get "http://servername/views/workbook/sheet?param1=value1,value2&param2=value" -f "C:\Tableau_Workbooks\Weekly-Reports.pdf"

Using Special Characters in Tableau URL Parameters

Using Special Characters in Tableau URL Parameters When we try to use special characters in URL parameters, the URL parameter might not do anything, or an error might occur. The issue can be resolve by:  Use one of the following workarounds: Replace the special character with the URL encoding sequence for backslash (\) (%5c) followed by the URL encoding sequence for the special character. The backslash is needed to escape the special character. For example, the URL encoding sequence for backslash and comma (\,) is %5c%2c.  In the data source, separate comma-delimited field values into separate columns that can be filtered independently. In Tableau Desktop, use a calculated field to replace the special characters, such as commas or spaces, with hyphens (-). Cause The browser cannot parse the special characters used in the URL. Additional Information The error varies depending on the browser and special character being used. Networ...

Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function

Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function Resolution Each option can result in different values (please reference the attached workbook in the right-hand pane and additional information section for specific examples). Option 1 (Aggregate All Fields) Wrap all fields in an aggregation. Sample: [Profit] / SUM ([Sales]) -> SUM ([Profit]) / SUM ([Sales])   Option 2 ( De-aggregate All Fields) Remove aggregations from all of the fields. Sample: [Profit] / SUM ([Sales]) ->[Profit] / [Sales]   Option 3 ( De-aggregate All Fields Then Aggregate the Calculation.) Move the aggregation so the calculation is aggregated. For example, the calculation: IF [Row ID] = 1 THEN SUM( [Sales] ) END could become: SUM( IF [Row ID] = 1 THEN [Sales] END ) Option 4 (Use Level of Detail to De-aggregate a Field)  Use a Level of Detail (LOD) Expression to make an aggregation non-aggregate. All LOD expression return non-aggregated values....