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Showing posts from April, 2019

Creating a Parameter Control to Sort By Dimension

Creating a Parameter Control to Sort By Dimension W hen you try to sort based on a dimension , Tableau sorts the values of that dimension within the categories specified to its left in the shelf. For example, if you had two rows with the same value for [Number] and [Date Generated], but with different values for [Importance], clicking on the "Sort" icon over [Importance] in the table would re-arrange the two rows either ascending alphabetically or descending alphabetically by the value of [Importance], but without changing the order of the numbers or dates. The below steps are based on Sample - Superstore data.  Step 1: Create a parameter Right-click in the Data pane and select Create Parameter.  In the Create Parameter dialog, do the following, then click OK:  Name: Sort By  Data Type: String Allowable Values: List For Value, enter the following list: Category, Sub-Category, Product Name and Region.   Right-click the Sort By parameter and selec...

Tableau .hyper extract format

Tableau .hyper extract format Beginning in version 10.5, when you create a new extract, it uses the .hyper format instead of the .tde format. Extracts in the .hyper format take advantage of the improved data engine, which supports the same fast analytical and query performance as the data engine before it, but for even larger extracts. Although there are many benefits of using .hyper extracts, the primary benefits include the following: Create larger extracts:  You can create extracts with billions of rows of data. Because .hyper extracts can support more data, you can consolidate .tde extracts that you previously had to create separately into a single .hyper extract. Create and refresh extracts faster:  While Tableau has always optimized performance for creating and refreshing extracts, version  2019.1  supports faster extract creation and refreshes for even larger data sets. Experience better performance when interacting with views that use extract ...

Tableau Dimensions Continuous or discrete fields

Tableau Dimensions Continuous or discrete fields The classification has an impact on what types of visualizations you can create as well as how they will look, t is easy to know if a field is being used as discrete or continuous based on its color. Blue indicates that a field is discrete, while green indicates that a field is continuous. he thought that blue represents dimensions and green represents measures is the most common myth in Tableau. It’s easy to understand why because, by default, dimensions are categorized as discrete variables, and thus have a small blue icon in front of them in the dimensions shelf. Measures are categorized as continuous variables, so they are prefaced with a green icon in the measures shelf. I assure you that the color-coding identifies discrete vs. continuous fields and not dimensions vs. measures. Measures can actually be used as discrete fields or continuous fields, and the same is true for some dimensions, such as dates. Use Continuou...

Create a Donut Chart in Tableau

Create a Donut Chart in Tableau In order to create a donut chart in Tableau, we need o ne dimension and one measure. Creating the donut chart essentially involves creating a pie chart and duplicating it. Making the duplicated pie chart white fill and reducing the size of the white fill to show the behind pie chart which appears like donut. Follow the steps below to create a donut chart. Open the new sheet and select Pie Marks card. Drang a dimension like Region into the colors card on tableau sheet Drag a measure like Sales into the Size card on tableau sheet Now the pie chart is created, resize the pie chart to make it bigger by dragging on the edges. Drag the ' # Number of Records' from the Measures pane to the Rows shelf( Or create a measure with just value as 1 or 0 and drag it to the rows shelf) Again Drag the ' #   Number of Records'  from the Measures pane to the Rows shelf which is a duplicate. Right click on the measure in the rows shelf  ...

Configure Tableau Server Event Notification

Configure Tableau Server Event Notification Tableau Server on Windows now includes Tableau Services Manager (TSM), which replaces the Configuration Utility and the tabadmin command line tool.  You can configure the following server notifications on the following events: Content updates Extract failures Subscription views for users Flow run failures Server health monitoring Server status changes License reporting Drive space Recording usage history Email alerts when space crosses or remains below pre-configured thresholds Note:  You need to configure SMTP before you can configure subscriptions or notifications. For more information, see  Configure SMTP Setup . Content updates You can set notifications for extract failures, and flow run failures. You can also enable notifications for user subscriptions. When users subscribe to a workbook or view, a snapshot of the view is email to them on scheduled basis, so they can see the latest updat...

Min of date and max of count Tableau

Min of date and max of count Tableau select max(cnt) over(Partition by video_title, country, channel order by video_title, country, channel ) as tt, a.* from ( select video_title, country, channel, post_date ,sum(count) cnt from matrixschema.facebook_post_level_derived where country = 'US' and video_title like  '%Test to be searched%' group by video_title, country, channel, post_date order by post_date ) a This can be implemented in tableau as: To get min of date: {FIXED[Country],[Channel], [Video Title]:MIN([Date])} To get max of `count: SUM({ FIXED [Video Title], [Channel],[Country]:MAX([Count])}) When the max count is used in the report under measure values shelf change the aggregation type to Max( instead of Sum)