Tableau Server upgrade process for 2020.4 version 1. It is recommended to take snapshot of the server box with the help of IT-Admin Team so that it can be restored in case of failure. 2. Login to the Machine where Tableau prod server is installed(doctableauprod1). 3. In the server box, go to Command prompt and type cmd to open it. 4. Enter the below command to run the backup U:\> tsm maintenance backup -f ts_backup -d Job id is '57', timeout is 1440 minutes. 6% - Starting the Active Repository instance, File Store, and Cluster Controller. 13% - Waiting for the Active Repository, File Store, and Cluster Controller to start. 20% - Installing backup services. 26% - Estimating required disk space. 33% - Gathering disk space information from all nodes. 40% - Analyzing disk space information....