Tableau Server upgrade process for 2020.4 version
It is recommended to take snapshot of the server
box with the help of IT-Admin Team so that it can be restored in case of failure.
Login to the Machine where Tableau prod server
is installed(doctableauprod1).
In the server box, go to Command prompt and type
cmd to open it.
Enter the below command to run the backup
Job id is '57', timeout is 1440
6% - Starting the Active Repository
instance, File Store, and Cluster Controller.
13% - Waiting for the Active
Repository, File Store, and Cluster Controller to start.
20% - Installing backup services.
26% - Estimating required disk
33% - Gathering disk space information
from all nodes.
40% - Analyzing disk space
46% - Checking if sufficient disk
space is available on all nodes.
53% - Backing up configuration.
60% - Backing up object storage
66% - Backing up database.
73% - Backing up asset keys.
80% - Assembling the tsbak archive.
86% - Stopping the Active
Repository if necessary.
93% - Waiting for the Active
Repository to stop if necessary.
100% - Uninstalling backup
Backup written to
'E:\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\files\backups\ts_backup-2021-02-13.tsbak'
on the controller node.
Go to the folder where we see the downloaded
version of TabCMD and Tableau Server Upgrade .exe files.
First install Tabcmd file by double clicking on
the exe file: TableauServer-64bit-2020-4-1
Step 4 will finish in less than a minute.
Then Install the Tableau server upgrade using
the exe file TableauServerTabcmd-64bit-2020-4-1
Accept the license agreement as shown below and
click Next:
It will show the default Tableau server path,
click next and do not change the path:
Click next when it prompts existing TSM will be
upgraded as shown below:
Click on the check box “Automatically Launch the
upgrade Script” and click Next as shown below:
Type y when it prompts to stop the server as
shown below in the command prompt displayed:
Below command prompt will be displayed after the
entire process completion:
Here is the entire script for the upgrade
Upgrading Tableau Server to version 20204.21.0114.0916. See log file
at E:\Tableau\Tableau Server\logs\app-upgrade.log for progress.
Install directory E:\Tableau\Tableau Server
Config file: "E:\Tableau\Tableau
Validating Tableau Server version.
Verifying that the new packages have been installed on all cluster
Performing preflight checks to ensure the server is in a good state to
be upgraded.
Stopping service...
This operation will stop the server. To start server, run 'tsm start'
after the upgrade is completed. Do you want to continue?
(y/n): y
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Running - Disabling all services.Job id is '58', timeout is 5 minutes.
50% - Disabling all services.
100% - Waiting for the services to stop.
Verifying Tableau Server is stopped.
Verifying that there is only one deployed Tableau Server Coordination
Service ensemble.
Verifying that Tableau Server has been initialized.
Verifying licensing state.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '59', timeout is 60 minutes.
11% - Retrieving the topology to deploy.
22% - Retrieving the configuration to deploy.
33% - Validating the new topology.
44% - Determining if server needs to be started.
55% - Updating nodes to new topology.
66% - Waiting for topology to be applied.
77% - Updating nodes to new configuration.
88% - Reconfiguring services.
100% - Waiting for services to reconfigure.
Backing up repository.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '60', timeout is 1440 minutes.
7% - Starting the Active Repository instance, File Store, and Cluster
15% - Waiting for the Active Repository, File Store, and Cluster
Controller to start.
23% - Installing backup services.
30% - Estimating required disk space.
38% - Gathering disk space information from all nodes.
46% - Analyzing disk space information.
53% - Checking if sufficient disk space is available on all nodes.
61% - Backing up database.
69% - Backing up asset keys.
76% - Assembling the tsbak archive.
84% - Stopping the Active Repository if necessary.
92% - Waiting for the Active Repository to stop if necessary.
100% - Uninstalling backup services.
Upgrading TSM services.
Updating Tableau Server Coordination Service.
Updating configuration.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '61', timeout is 10 minutes.
Updating Tableau Server Client File Service.
Generating new credentials.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '62', timeout is 10 minutes.
11% - Generating passwords.
22% - Generating secret keys.
33% - Generating Unique Cluster Identifier.
44% - Generating Search Server SSL certificate.
55% - Generating Elastic Server SSL certificate.
66% - Generating ActiveMQ Server SSL certificate.
77% - Generating key store.
88% - Promoting configuration.
100% - Waiting for services to reconfigure.
Updating remaining services.
Updating Tableau Server Service Manager.
Restoring repository.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '63', timeout is 2880 minutes.
3% - Checking backup compatibility.
7% - Generating manifest.
11% - Disabling all services.
15% - Waiting for the services to stop.
19% - Installing restore services.
23% - Determining required files for individual nodes.
26% - Checking available disk space on all nodes.
30% - Transferring required files to remote nodes.
34% - Restoring key store.
38% - Restoring data for services.
42% - Restoring database.
46% - Restoring asset keys.
50% - Restoring data to object storage.
53% - Committing data for services.
57% - Committing restored data to database.
61% - Committing asset keys.
65% - Committing data to object storage.
69% - Deleting temporary backup file.
73% - Cleaning up restore data on all nodes.
76% - Uninstalling restore services.
Updating repository version in Tableau Server Coordination Service.
Updating repository.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '64', timeout is 120 minutes.
8% - Enabling the database services.
16% - Waiting for the database services to enable.
25% - Putting the repository into local trust mode.
33% - Creating roles and databases.
41% - Running migrations against the primary database.
50% - Setting the next active repository.
58% - Taking the repository out of local trust mode.
66% - Disabling database services.
75% - Waiting for database services to disable.
83% - Upgrading database
Updating asset keys.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '65', timeout is 120 minutes.
100% - Checking if asset key upgrade is needed.
Updating data directory version.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '66', timeout is 40 minutes.
9% - Retrieving the topology to deploy.
18% - Retrieving the configuration to deploy.
27% - Validating the new topology.
36% - Determining if server needs to be started.
45% - Disabling all services.
54% - Waiting for the services to stop.
63% - Updating nodes to new topology.
72% - Waiting for topology to be applied.
81% - Updating nodes to new configuration.
90% - Reconfiguring services.
100% - Waiting for services to reconfigure.
Rebuilding search index.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '67', timeout is 1440 minutes.
14% - Disabling all services.
28% - Waiting for the services to stop.
42% - Starting backup restore services for search server reset.
57% - Resetting search server.
71% - Starting search server.
85% - Configuring search server.
100% - Stopping backup restore services.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '68', timeout is 1440 minutes.
25% - Enabling the services required for indexing.
50% - Connecting to Vizportal Maintenance.
75% - Rebuilding the search index.
100% - Disabling the services used for indexing.
Upgrading Analytics Extensions settings.
Resetting Metadata API Store.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '69', timeout is 30 minutes.
9% - Starting required services for resetting Metadata API Store.
18% - Stopping Metadata API Store related services.
27% - Enabling the maintenance app.
36% - Waiting for the maintenance app to start.
45% - Disabling database services.
54% - Waiting for database services to disable.
63% - Recreating Metadata API Store.
72% - Restoring Metadata API Store related services to previous state.
81% - Restoring required services to previous state.
Running post-upgrade steps on all cluster nodes.
Reconnecting to asynchronous job...
Job id is '70', timeout is 10 minutes.
33% - Installing backup services.
66% - Running post-upgrade.
100% - Uninstalling backup services.
Verifying licensing state.
Tableau Server has been upgraded to version 20204.21.0114.0916.
If the TSM sign in page does not open automatically, open a browser
and go to: https://localhost:8850 to sign in to TSM.
Open TSM using the address https://localhost:8850 to sign in to
TSM in the browser and enter the
spoc details for registration as shown below:
Start the Tableau server using the option shown on the top
right of the screen as shown:
It will take about 15 minutes to start the services:
Once the services starts TSM shows this screen:
Once the services are back login to Tableau Web and run the
reports to verify, they are working. Published one or two workbooks. Setup scheduled
runs and deliveries to check everything is working.
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